Superfish Air-Kit Mini –
Can increase oxygen levels and is an absolutely essential accessory in maintaining a healthy aquarium or pond.
Becomes a nice feature of the pond, as the bubbles hit the surface & create a foam looking ripple effect.
Ensure that the air pump is above the water to stop any chance of water automatically syphoning out flooding the pump.
The Superfish Mini Air Kit comes complete with aquarium air pump airline airstone & spare diaphram. Ideal air pump kit for small aquariums
Air pump specifications:
Air Output 1.3 litres per minute
Power 1.8 watts
Dimensions 3.5” 9cm) long, 2.25” 6cm) wide and high
Complete with fitted 3 pin plug
Pressure 0.012 MPA
Long life supaflex valves
No. of outlets 1
5 meters Airline + Airstone supplied