Vetark Aqua-Sed - Anaesthetic for pet fish - 250ml


SKU: L44
We currently have 3 available in stock.

Aqua-Sed is a veterinary medicine containing active 2-phenoxyethanol used for anaesthetising and humanely euthanising seriously injured or ill fish.
Aqua-Sed is based on the tried and tested active ingredient 2-phenoxyethanol, and it comes in a 250ml bottle with an easy-to-use measuring pump. It's a liquid with a very wide safety margin and has been used for anaesthetising fish for many years (reports go back to 1943). Please note that any anaesthetic a carries a risk, sometimes because the fish may have an unknown/undiagnosed problem which may cause an issue. For this reason we do not suggest the routine use of anaesthesia of koi carp for a general check-up.

Anaesthetic for pet fish.

The dose is dependent on water volume, not on fish size. Do not put Aqua-Sed™ into the main pond or tank, it is for use in small volumes once fish are captured. Using the pump, measure the required amount into water (1 pump/litre) into a suitably sized anaesthetic container. Gently mix the slightly oily liquid into the water. Transfer the fish into this solution and observe carefully. Some initial excitement is normal in some species. The fish itself pumps the drug across its gills, administering the dose until effective. Observe the fish throughout and remove the fish when it is suitably anaesthetised for the procedure. As a general guide, gill cover movements should be slowed but not completely stopped.
Following the procedure return the fish to untreated water for recovery.
Aqua-Sed is is also suitable for use as a fish euthanasia product (at 4x the normal dose), which will enable fish keepers to humanely euthanase seriously ill or severely injured fish. Aqua-Sed also presents a significant leap forward for petfish welfare, carrying instructions on how to humanely euthanase pet fish.

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