12-14" Stellatus (Starry) Sturgeon - Acipenser Stellatus

Price from £53.40

Quantity Price per Item
1+ Items£54.95
2+ Items£53.40
We currently have 5 available in stock.

The Stellate Sturgeon is also known as Stellatus or the Starry Sturgeon, these are easily recognised as the head/nose can be upto 25% of the total length.

These are not often found in aquatic centres so will make a beautiful rare addition to any sturgeon collection.

In the wild the Acipenser Stella can grow to a maximum size of 2.2m and can weigh upto 70kg however 1.3 - 1.5m and 10-15kg is more the usual size and weight

Compared to other sturgoen these are more likely to jump from your pond so a barrier or net is recommended.

We have Sturgeon Food available in our Pond Food Section of this website.

Recommended Food:

6mm Prime Sturgeon Pellet

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