7-8" (18-20 cm) Ghost Koi

Price from £22.18

Quantity Price per Item
1+ Items£22.74
3+ Items£22.46
6+ Items£22.18
We currently have 21 available in stock.

Here we have a stunning mix of Ghost Koi.

They are 7-8" long and there are mainly Cream colour although there are a few coloured ghosts in the mix.

These are very solid full bodied ghosts and would be a stunning addition to any pond. They are also very fast growing!

The fish will be picked at random allowing everyone to get the same chance of receiving some real stunners. We will not put anything back if it is too beautiful!

Recommended Food:

3mm Floating Koi Food - This Ultimate Koi OSW Mix

Recommended Winter Food:

3mm Floating Winter Food - 20% Wheatgerm

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