Rotala Rotundifolia - Toothcup - Oxygenating


SKU: P11
We currently have 14 available in stock.

Rotala rotundifolia is a creeping aquatic perennial with soft, dark pink stems that branch often to form low, creeping clumps. Leaves are rounded and attach closely to the stem without a leaf stalk. They are arranged oppositely on the stem. Flowers occur in spikes at the tip of stems. Plants flower prolifically in spring and early summer

Rotala grows about 4 to 5 inches per week. Once the plant reaches the top of the water, it grows across the surface and quickly shades out other aquatic vegetation. It requires high sunlight and CO2 concentrations for optimum growth.

15-200 cm height depending on light penetration

This plant comes to you in a 1 litre pond pot and is ready to be put straight into your pond or bog garden.

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