Primula Bulleyana - Bulleys Primrose

Price from £4.96

Quantity Price per Item
1+ Items£5.94
10+ Items£4.96
SKU: Q14
We currently have 2 available in stock.

Primula are herbaceous or semi-evergreen perennials, forming a basal rosette of simple leaves, with salver-shaped or bell-shaped flowers which may be solitary or carried in an umbel or in whorls on an erect stem


Primula Bulleyana is a semi-evergreen perennial to 60cm, with rosettes of obovate leaves and erect stems bearing 5-7 whorls of orange-yellow flowers 2cm across opening from red buds

This plant comes to you in a 1 litre pond pot and is ready to be put straight into your pond or bog garden.

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