10-12" Ide

Price from £28.75

Quantity Price per Item
1+ Items£29.95
2+ Items£28.75
We currently have 2 available in stock.

The Ide is a relatively chunky fish, with a very similar build to the chub and orfe, they are an elongated rather stout fish, the ide is blue-gray or blackish with silvery sides.

The Ide will eat all kinds of aquatic life, crustaceans, larvae, worms, insects and even small fish.

They are a shoal fish that should not be kept on their own. They are very hardy providing the pond has good oxygen levels and remain very active throughout the Winter.

The photo does not show the exact fish you will receive.

Recommended Food:

6mm Floating Food - Ideal for Koi Ghosts Goldfish Orfe

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